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Community Education

Youth Financial Literacy

Building financial skills for life-long success.

A bank employee points to call on a young student while teaching a class.

We love visiting classrooms, universities and organizations to teach and inspire financial savvy youth and adults. From savings and budget basics to homebuying, credit building and investing, we're eager to share our knowledge with the community. Through Teach Children to Save Day (TCTSD) and our efforts, we have proudly taught financial literacy for over 20 years from Santa Maria to Westlake. 


Students & Adults


Hours in Classrooms



Monty the penguin showing a sign that says Monty.

Meet Monty & Cito!

Cito the penguin showing a sign that says Cito.

Since becoming their foster feeders in 2015, Monty and his son Cito have been our ambassadors to our financial literacy education. You'll see them in the classroom, on our teaching materials, and even in our coloring contests. 

Meet the real Monty and Cito at the Santa Barbara Zoo!

Request a visit to YOUR classroom!

Would you like a MB&T volunteer to teach your students financial literacy FUNdamentals? Just let us know! Email [email protected] or call Brianna Aguilar at 805.564.0256 if you have any questions.