We can do more, together!
The impacts can be seen in the school around the corner, the theater downtown, the hospital up the road and the many friendly faces you pass by each day in your community. Our ability to continue investing in and giving back to the communities we serve is made possible by our loyal customers who trust us to manage their financial needs day after day, year after year. Thank you for supporting our mission to make the communities we serve better places to live and work.
Nonprofits Served in 2024
Years of Giving Back
Donated in 2024
Community Giving
Our goal is simple - to help our communities thrive.

Community Dividends®
This tradition began in 2003 when our late founder, Michael Towbes, invited 100 nonprofits to lunch and surprised each of them with a $10,000 check. We have carried that tradition forward each year since, giving away $1 million every November to hundreds of nonprofits across the Central Coast.

Anniversary Grants®
Anniversary Grants program was created to broaden our bank's commitment to the communities we serve and to ensure each of the bank's associates has a direct voice in the direction of our corporate giving. And for over 30 years, our associates have jumped at the chance to show their support for the organizations that mean so much to them.
Schools Participating
Students & Adults
Hours in Classroom
Community Education
Our programs improve financial awareness and security among children and adults.

Financial Literacy
Smart saving, responsible spending and using credit wisely are important conversations to help children and adults prepare for their financial futures and make smart choices along the way, and we love teaching in the communities!

Cyber Security and Elder Fraud Protection
Awareness is a key prevention measure, and our in-house experts are eager to keep our communities safe.
Hours in 2024
Nonprofits Served
Associates Volunteered
Community Volunteering
Our associates share their time, treasure, and talent to make a meaningful impact in their communities.

MB&T associates can be seen throughout the communities we serve, volunteering for a wide range of nonprofits in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Whether it's assisting with auction checkouts at fundraisers, helping clean local beaches, or lending financial expertise on nonprofit boards, our associates generously dedicate their time and talents year-round.

Associate Matching Grants
MB&T supports the causes our associates care about through our unique Associate Matching Grants program. Since the program's inception in 2020, the Bank has matched over $75,000 in donations and/or volunteer hours - reinforcing our dedication to both our associates and the communities they support.
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